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In this part of the world, where climate has been challenged by the modern design culture, the demand for effective building envelope systems and materials hit the construction heavily. Many systems have been implemented and failed and many others has been successfully serve the purpose in a durable manner.
Saving energy, green building code, thermal penetration, preventing leakage, all are common statements between consultants and clients, saving cost, and value engineering are common statements by contractors and builders.
Our specialty is sharing expertise in the building envelope applications in terms of right build-up, right combination of products and right time table to achieve effective and sustainable system.
We design the build-up, make the necessary calculations, advice the products, support with the implementations. For thermal insulations, waterproofing, and façade systems.
We deliver!

Thermal & Waterproofing

Simple thought of green buildings leads us to read books and learn how to achieve the green building standards.  It’s all in one, starting from the design, up to implementing right products. At the end the Goal is Saving Energy; sustainability, and long-term performance.
Insulations are the major core of saving energy consumption of buildings. It is the responsibility of insulation materials to keep balance and indoor environment comfort. In the building physics, calculations of thermal bridge and thermal lost are taking a place to measure the impact of the thermal resistance of the product and how effective is used in the application. Thermal insulation materials are different and depend on the raw materials.
Moreover, Waterproofing is the guardian of the structure! If the waterproofing system fails, the structure will have a heart attack. If it’s a basement, or roof top, or even a terrace, waterproofing systems is the closing deal for a durable building.
Each product is having strength and weakness; no matter what is the products type, it has its efficiency and usage in the right place.
We advise; calculate, and supply; right products in the right build-up! We know what to supply based on building usage; budget, and standard.

Facade Render

Rendering façade become the easiest and cost effective solution for the external look of the walls, from villas to high rise towers it can be applied and give an impressive finish to a building.
Depends on the type of render; it can be cement or acrylic and it can be lime render. 5000 years ago; lime render used to be applied on the castles and palaces of the nobles. Nowadays lime render is used on the external and internal walls and give an impressive appearance. As much as it’s unique; it’s durable and stay on long-terms. On the other hand; acrylic and cement is used for commercial and residential buildings; very quick and efficient solution suits the high-speed commercial market. Let’s share our knowledge and find out the right proposal for your project!