Betas Solution

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Since we started our firm as trading and the traders are engineers, it happened that we managed to get deep in each and every product we trade.
This give us the opportunity to chose what is the best product in the best place in terms of technicality and commerciality. Hereby, we decided to implement our team expertize and here we are!
Our goal is creating a synchronize harmony for the different part of the project. We thrive to complete the puzzle for each and every piece; and our target is getting to achieve a whole team of engineers whom can work together and support each other on detailing and designing.
Some of our team are from civil & architectural engineering background, some are electrical, others are building physics specialist. We sit on one table and avail the possibilities of getting a solution the way we save your time, please your budget, and serve you effectively and here is what our creative team can do so far:

Lighting System

As the process of lighting system design is very much standard and all experts follow the same methodology, the only thing mostly we go off-road is that we select the lighting equipment’s based on the space at the beginning and then we implement them to the structure, method of lighting, calculating the luminaria, and so on.
The space is major factor in our point of-view, we based on the space, interaction with the structure, interaction with the exterior, aesthetic, color, and appearance. This way we chose the items then we manage the implementation afterwards.
We go with best quality brands weather it’s from international manufactures or genuine ones to insure the durability of the system. Let’s show you how on your project!

Sound System

Designing and installing a sound system requires a great deal of knowledge, experience, and skill. When looking for a new sound system designer, the best way is to insure that designer understands the principles laid out in your requirements. Commercially, technically, and aesthetically.
We specialize in the design and supply of performance sound systems for venues. Weather the component of the system is visible or invisible; we design and deliver outstanding sound performance in the most acoustically challenging venues, without compromising on aesthetics. In addition to music systems supply, we offer project support services.
We designed and delivered sound solutions in venues, considering the size and acoustic, space and environment. We go with best quality brands weather it’s from international manufactures or genuine ones to insure the durability of the system. Let’s show you how on your project!

Fit-Out & Renovation

Our expansion in business was based on the market demand. In fact, when we establish the business we aimed a better construction environment which can implement the high standard of application and products. After delivering to many projects, we start to share our technical knowledge on the design and hereby we managed to be involved in the design based on our high knowledge of the products. Interior design, or fit-out, was a transcript of transformation the space into a suitable environment. For office, multi-purpose hall, school, theater, or a living residencies space. Some of the projects were an upgrade when the occupants require to use the space in a different way. We work on the functional category and the aesthetic category. Thanks to the innovation experience with modern technology, it helps us a lot to fit the connections between technology requirements and designing style. Weather its traditional, industrial, contemporary or modern, the automation technology and aesthetic will be married.

Building Envelope

The building envelope is a term used in building science to describe the many building systems that protect the interior of the building from exterior elements, mainly water intrusion and thermal penetration. The building systems that make up the building envelope include but not limited to the roofing systems, exterior wall systems, foundations, floors, etc. Since a building envelope separates the unconditioned exterior environment from the conditioned interior space, it is one of the key factors that impact building energy consumption. Building envelopes of energy-efficient buildings are not simply barriers between interior and exterior; they are building systems that create comfortable spaces by actively responding to the building’s external environment, and substantially reduce the buildings’ energy consumption. As in the gulf region we have the pressure from the exterior part, and as the roofing is not the only part which can leak, this will leave us in certainty that building envelope design is the key to sustainable saved energy, comfort and healthy indoor environment and less maintenances.

We propose the right build-up for building envelop applications: roofing, flooring, and façade and we share our technical knowledge based on the expertise of high quality products from prestige manufacturers!